Moogleprnz's Otakon: Part 2

I pity you mindless slaves of evasource, literally reading part 2.

Immediately after the giddiness of registration settled, we were standing around right by the lamination thingys, looking at each other's badges. Evasource all had D. For some totally random reason, Liquid's badge had an F on it, indicating he was only supposed to be staying for Friday. "What the!?" we exclaimed, and he went back to change it for one that said 3. While waiting we were trying to figure out where to go, realizing the game room opens at 3, and it was like 12, we had lots of time.

"Music videos! Oh man! I wanna see the awesome action ones with Eva and Hellsing! Let's go!" Dear God, we were excited. Wandering around, trying to find it we saw TONS (literally) of really fat girls attempting to cosplay as hot anime chicks in sailor scout uniforms.

"Hold on," I spoke, and suddenly, everything froze. As I looked around me, standing there alone amidst the constant chattering of the surrounding otakus, I realized something. I knew it was important, but I didn't know what it was. I was disturbed, yet joyful. Pleased, yet vexed. One thing was for sure, I was anxious, young and full of enthusiam, embracing the chance to receive new ideas and grasp control of that which was me. Then... everything was clear.

THESE PEOPLE ARE ALL FAGGOTS. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. All of us came to the revelation that the general otaku was literally 1) a fat, dangerously ugly chick, 2) a tall, skinny, gay-looking kid with glasses and freckles, 3) a really piss fat goth, or 4) just some random faggot. We realized we were pretty much the only "normal" (I use the term VERY loosely) looking kids here, with actual lives outside of anime -- well, some of us.. wait.. okay none of us. Fuck you.

Uh yeah anyway some other shit happened and we ended up running to the anime music video place, shouting "OH MAN WE'RE MISSING THE EVA AND HELLSING VIDEOS!!" So we got there, and there actually WAS an eva video playing, badass! It was to the Goo Goo Dolls song "Iris" and was pretty decent. Okay, we're all excited right, saying shit like "OH MAN WHERE ARE THE ACTION ONES" when this PISS SHITY PIECE OF UTTER SHIT SHITTY SHIT SHIT VIDEO COMES ON. "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT?" We repeated over and over. And over. AT some point there was this horrible kenshin video, it was literally slow and piss boring, and like 2 rows in front of us there was this retarded-looking couple like all resting heads on each other and shit, to which Platy remarked, "these people are cuddling to kenshin music videos.. BAD kenshin music videos," which had me cracking up for a couple minutes. Okay, it was finally over. Thank God. Then.. ANOTHER shitty video! My God! It was literally so bad I don't remember a SINGLE THING about it. All I can remember is this other kenshin video, which literally had footage from episode 1 only. Seriously. It was like mostly episode 1 and MAYBE episode 2. I think it was at this point we walked the FUCK out of there.

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